


?卦猛者命Episode 1


At 6:47 下午, Blogger Yu said...

For the ring of light
First press the button above the grid to start.... Then, note the "forward" button jumps three lights at a time (turning right), while the "backward" button jumps four lights at a time (turning left).
So press the forward button 4 times : it highlights 4 buttons on the ring (north,east,south and west). Then press the "backward" button once, then forward 4 times, then backward once, then forward 4 times.

For chessboard
First, yes, it is a kind of chessboard with specific rules. These rules (and the initial position of pieces) are described in one of the book you can find on the shelves. You have to find 3 pieces that are missing on the chessboard: a white (K)ing, a white (B)ishop and a black (B)ishop.
Then... you have to place them onto the chessboard... (wow i'm a genius... :| )
Thus, the white King must be put at the right of the Queen (bottom row). Then the white Bishop (which has done one (strange) move, according to the written rules): put it two squares above the white queen (third row if counting from bottom, fourth column from left). Finally, put the black Bishop the same way: in front of its black queen (seventh row, sixth column).




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