Second episode is about saving Vela LaBrute from the four Vacumms.
1.Take wood on the left on the scene.. 2. Go to the arrow on the left 3. Take the net on the tree 4. Take bucket of water in the water 5. Take 4 coconuts on the tree (You have to take it one by one from the coconut tree on the left) 6. Go back to starting scene and go to arrow on the right 7. Take vine on the tree on the left 8. Use the net below the monkey which the snake have capture 9. Pull the bush above Victor, The rock come crushing the Snake's Head and the Monkey will drop in the net and hug Victor 10. Go back to Starting Scene. The monkey is there ready to help victor when you throw coconut on one of the vacumm 11. Use Coconut on the North West Vacumm 12. Go to Northwest arrow near the North West vacumm 13. Use Bucket of Water on The Fire 14. Take the wood near the switch 15. Click on the Switch 16. You need to play Follow The Colour. 17. Click on the arrow label "Clique ici"( I think it mean "Click here") 18. Just follow what the Colour appear the first time and follow it. (If you play wrongly u can play again.) You need to play 3 times to unplug the plug. 19. Go back to Start Scene 20. Use Coconut on North East Vacumm 21.Go to Northeast arrow near the North East vacumm 22. Use Vine on the Glacier on top 23. Click on the Vine and Victor will swing to the other side 24. Get the scissor near the Switch 25. Click on the Swich to play Follow the Colour again (You need to follow 3 times again) 26. Go back to Starting Scene 27. Use coconut on the South West vacumm 28. Go the the Southwest arrow near the Southwest vacumm 29. Use scissor on string attached on the spider 30. Play the Follow the Colour again (Follow 3 times again) 31. Return to Starting Scene 32. Use coconut on South East vacumm 33. Go the the Southeast arrow near the Southeast vacumm 34. Use 2 planks of woods on the broken bridge 35. Click on the Swich to play Follow the Colour again (You need to follow 3 times again) 36. Return to Starting Scene 37. Vela LaBrute will be save and Victor will hug him (Nice ending so far)
Third Episode about helping the Baron to find the 3 fleas and recover his favourite cheese. 1. Take string lying on the floor 2. Take key on the left of the bookcases. 3. Pushing the ladder reveal a new location on the left of the ladder. 4. Go to the arrow on the right of ladder. 5. Get Glasses on the table 6. Use String on the ink bottle, rescue the first flea. 7. Go back to Starting Scene and go to the arrow on the right bookcase. 8. Click on the Shining Book (Sun) to solve the puzzle. 9. You need to slide the square to form a picture. The easier way to play is to first form the top 3 column of the puzzle After that form the 2nd column and you complete it. 10. The light will come reveal a jar contain another flea. (Ignore this flea first) 11. Go back to Starting scene and use key on the book. 12. And click on the arrow on the book 13. Use the Glasses on the Fat Cat, He will be scare off of Victor gigantic size 14. Get the feather in the book which is on right of the scene 15. Go to the left of the book in the middle. 16. Get the two eyes on the snow patch, small block of snow, black hat on the tree and the branch on the left of big tree. 17. Return to the Cat and go to the right of the book. 18. Get the branch on the tree to the right, a small wood on the floor near the branch, and the middle block of snow of the lower right of scene 19. Return to the left of book. 20. Put Middle block of snow on the Big Block on snow 21. After that put in the small block of snow, the eyes, the hat, the wood as the nose, and the two branches as the hands. Which cause a snowman to come alive. 22. Go back to the right of the book. 23. Click on the shovel on the tree, and the snowman will help you take it. 24. Go to the Starting scene and click on the left of the ladder. 25. Use Feather on the leg of the flea on the book, Victor will use feather on the flea, and the Second Flea will come out of the book. 26. Go back to the Flea stuck in the jar. 27. Use Shovel on the Jar and the Last Flea will come out. 28. Return to Starting Scene. 29. All the fleas will start cleaning up the place and reveal a chess. The Baron will share the cheese with Victor and he will wake up..
Episode 1
1. 取地上報紙
2. 取右邊墳墓附近骨頭
3. 取人象手上之鐮刀
4. 走向右箭咀
5. 有2間屋同樹上有一把key
6. 走入左邊第一間屋
7. 用鐮刀介朱朱網,肥仔會將remote蝙蝠送俾你,之後會在人像等你.
8. 走回有key之樹前
9. 用remote蝙蝠於樹枝, 取key
10. 走入右邊屋
11. 按最細0既棺材取搖搖(樂器)
12. 返回開始場景
13. 往左走
14. 有2間屋同有一隻狗
15. 將骨俾狗食
16. 取垃圾桶.
17. 入右邊屋.
18. 於右邊0既箱取結他.
19. 取門邊火炬
20. 返回有狗畫面, 再走入另一間屋
21. 將火炬放上門右邊0既holder 上
22. 用key開哂4個鎖
23. 返回人像畫面
24. 將垃圾桶放於手持骨頭人前,搖搖給肥仔,自己用結他
25. finish.
Episode 2: Qui Veat La peau de Vela LaBrute
Second episode is about saving Vela LaBrute from the four Vacumms.
1.Take wood on the left on the scene..
2. Go to the arrow on the left
3. Take the net on the tree
4. Take bucket of water in the water
5. Take 4 coconuts on the tree (You have to take it one by one from the coconut tree on the left)
6. Go back to starting scene and go to arrow on the right
7. Take vine on the tree on the left
8. Use the net below the monkey which the snake have capture
9. Pull the bush above Victor, The rock come crushing the Snake's Head and the Monkey will drop in the net and hug Victor
10. Go back to Starting Scene. The monkey is there ready to help victor when you throw coconut on one of the vacumm
11. Use Coconut on the North West Vacumm
12. Go to Northwest arrow near the North West vacumm
13. Use Bucket of Water on The Fire
14. Take the wood near the switch
15. Click on the Switch
16. You need to play Follow The Colour.
17. Click on the arrow label "Clique ici"( I think it mean "Click here")
18. Just follow what the Colour appear the first time and follow it. (If you play wrongly u can play again.) You need to play 3 times to unplug the plug.
19. Go back to Start Scene
20. Use Coconut on North East Vacumm
21.Go to Northeast arrow near the North East vacumm
22. Use Vine on the Glacier on top
23. Click on the Vine and Victor will swing to the other side
24. Get the scissor near the Switch
25. Click on the Swich to play Follow the Colour again (You need to follow 3 times again)
26. Go back to Starting Scene
27. Use coconut on the South West vacumm
28. Go the the Southwest arrow near the Southwest vacumm
29. Use scissor on string attached on the spider
30. Play the Follow the Colour again (Follow 3 times again)
31. Return to Starting Scene
32. Use coconut on South East vacumm
33. Go the the Southeast arrow near the Southeast vacumm
34. Use 2 planks of woods on the broken bridge
35. Click on the Swich to play Follow the Colour again (You need to follow 3 times again)
36. Return to Starting Scene
37. Vela LaBrute will be save and Victor will hug him (Nice ending so far)
Episode 3: La Famine da Baron de La Vermine
Third Episode about helping the Baron to find the 3 fleas and recover his favourite cheese.
1. Take string lying on the floor
2. Take key on the left of the bookcases.
3. Pushing the ladder reveal a new location on the left of the ladder.
4. Go to the arrow on the right of ladder.
5. Get Glasses on the table
6. Use String on the ink bottle, rescue the first flea.
7. Go back to Starting Scene and go to the arrow on the right bookcase.
8. Click on the Shining Book (Sun) to solve the puzzle.
9. You need to slide the square to form a picture. The easier way to play is to first form the top 3 column of the puzzle
After that form the 2nd column and you complete it.
10. The light will come reveal a jar contain another flea. (Ignore this flea first)
11. Go back to Starting scene and use key on the book.
12. And click on the arrow on the book
13. Use the Glasses on the Fat Cat, He will be scare off of Victor gigantic size
14. Get the feather in the book which is on right of the scene
15. Go to the left of the book in the middle.
16. Get the two eyes on the snow patch, small block of snow, black hat on the tree and the branch on the left of big tree.
17. Return to the Cat and go to the right of the book.
18. Get the branch on the tree to the right, a small wood on the floor near the branch, and the middle block of snow of the lower right of scene
19. Return to the left of book.
20. Put Middle block of snow on the Big Block on snow
21. After that put in the small block of snow, the eyes, the hat, the wood as the nose, and the two branches as the hands. Which cause a snowman to come alive.
22. Go back to the right of the book.
23. Click on the shovel on the tree, and the snowman will help you take it.
24. Go to the Starting scene and click on the left of the ladder.
25. Use Feather on the leg of the flea on the book, Victor will use feather on the flea, and the Second Flea will come out of the book.
26. Go back to the Flea stuck in the jar.
27. Use Shovel on the Jar and the Last Flea will come out.
28. Return to Starting Scene.
29. All the fleas will start cleaning up the place and reveal a chess. The Baron will share the cheese with Victor and he will wake up..
Episode 4
1. 於牆上風口位取黃色寶石key
2. 開閘, 走出房間
3. 取右邊桌上碟上綠色寶石key
4. 往左走
5. 用綠色寶石key開樓上樓梯對住0既green lock
6. 入green lock 房
7. 按牆上poster, 入洞
8. 拉下手柄截斷電源, robot會唔見0左, torch 掉於地上
9. 於右邊閘上風口位取紅色寶石key (唔用都得 :p)
10. 返回樓下, 右邊畫面, 取torch
11. 再上樓上, 入最右邊0既房間
12. 用torch, 取地上gold coin 上0既粉紅代弊
13. 再照右邊, click 袋, 放出個人,看手上有第一set pw, 再取地上布袋
14. 返回樓梯畫面
15. 將布袋放於鐵勾上,等隻怪獸走上去再click鐵勾將佢捉住.
16. 按袋後牆上pw 打入1st set pw, laser 停
17. 走入房間按中格床上0既人..取2nd set pw
18. 返回布袋畫面, 走向往左邊甲萬, 打入2nd set pw, 進入
19. 用代幣放入遊戲機, 玩game, 找相同
20. 玩完出第一個賊仔sweet畫面
21. 於門左上風口取3rd set pw
22. 返回樓下最右邊畫面, 於green甲萬打上3rd set pw, 進入
23. 再玩另一個game..打字game, 等個字變綠就係keyboard 按0個個key. 打哂就會出現個賊仔細個0既畫面.
24. finish :p
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