
Arrival In Hell

Arrival In Hell


At 7:45 下午, Blogger Yu said...

at the cell:
1. pick up comb
2. pick up razor
3.pick up soap (melted flesh apearce )
4.use razor with jump suit
5. use fabric with flesh
6. use burning flesh with the cell's lock
7. leave cell

at the cells:
1. take revolver
2. talk to insane prisoner and take deordorant
3. go to corridor

at the corridor:
1. use razor with guard's hand (at the hallway theres ascanner)
2. use soap with hand
3. go back to cell and wash hand un toilet

at the hallway:
1. use hand with scanner
at the control room:
1. takr exit sign
2. slap guard
3. talk to guard (the beast apeares)
4. put exit sign above the red door

at "more cells":
1. talk and release sane prisoner

at hallway:
1. use hand with scanner
2. take matches from control room
3. combine maches with deordorant
4. use flame thrower on beast
........and you are out without using your comb!!



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