
quaint room



At 6:37 下午, Blogger Yu said...

get white blocks first.

1. under pillow
2. in waste basket
3. under table
4. in corner of the room by the miniature black table.
5. under the white box which is on the miniature black table.
6. beside the plate on the shelf.
7. in the vase (click on the lid of the vase to get it).
8. in the white cupboard below the shelf.

then go back to the coffee table and get the pipe and matches.
then go back the white cupboard below the shelves to obtain the scroll.

then go the frame which contains the candle. remove the frame by clicking on it bottom right. then get the candle.

then go back to where the miniature black table is, click on the scroll then click onto the shadow of the scroll on the wall tp put it up there.

now light the candle by clicking on it, then click on the box on the right with the writing in it. click on the matches now and then click on the the top of the candle to light it.

now in the sameway click on the pipe to get the big image of it up. now click on the part where you put the tobacco in to get some tar out of it.

now get the big image of the tar up and click on it till it transforms to the shape of a H.

now with the tar highlighted click on the scroll till a black square comes up on it.

view back till you see the miniature black table again. click on the white box, so it goes up. then click on the lit candle and click just below the white box to put the candle on the table. now click on the white box to put it down over it.

now wait until the light flickers to see the patten the candle does on the scroll. this is the key.

now go on over to the door and the white blocks highlighted arrange it to the same pattern as seen on the scroll. the door should unlock now.



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