



At 12:38 上午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

1, check the garbage get papercuts
2, go left check cabinet get cell phone ( examine it you see SMS some items can be used
more times
3, between the books get a joistick and there is a power cord in a drawer under the TV
4, go left check the vase get shiny key
5, go left check top of the plant youre being watched
6, go to the sofa check the left pilow get blue book
7, go right click the table corner so you can see whats on the table
8, move the magazines get valet
9, now to da computa
10, use power cord the computer is now on
11, examine the papercuts it some kind of puzzle get it together
get the code XXXX ( the code is changing so you have to figure it out)
12, examine the valet get the user name JACK STANFIELD
13, get the exit code 021006
14, use the shiny key on the desk
15, get the car , the radio and a magnet
16, examine the radio get the batery
17, now go to the table click the corner you can see a key
under the sofa that you can not reach
18, exit the table
19, combie car + batery ( baterycar)
20, combine batery car + magnet
21, click to use near the table than use the joistick
22, get the old key
23, go right open the box get the number pad
24, go to the camera spoil it with the magnet
25, get to the door use the nuber pad
26, aply the code and get the hack out of there

Please note
The locations for the cellphone/joystick change every time:
On bookshelf
In the plant pot
Under cushion on seat
In the cabinet



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