There are a couple of corners between two side walls and a bottom wall where you can scroll between the walls and see a big star very close to the corner transition to an equal-sized star in each of the other two walls.
"Big star" means the invisible source star must be close to the wall, since the closer an object is to a mirror (which is what the walls are), the bigger it will appear. Therefore, in the case of the "corner" stars, you know they must all be the same star.
Once you have these colored, you can look for "little" stars in one of the opposite faces near the equivalent opposite corner (little because they will be far away from the source star). Color these in on the other three sides.
Use this method to get the first 2 or 3 stars colored on each wall. Getting the last few should be easier after this.
Earth (clock) room:
I think the below should work: Dark blue/yellow arrow wall: Blue points south, yellow west, oriented with green background square positioned northeast. Dark blue/green arrow wall: Blue south, green north, with big green background rectangle positioned northwest. Green/red arrow wall: Green north, red east, with big green background square positioned northeast. Red/purple wall: Red east, purple south, with big green background square positioned southeast. Light blue/yellow wall: Light blue north, yellow west, with green background rectacle positioned southeast Light blue/purple wall: Light blue north, purple south, with big green background rectacle positioned east
Powering the complex:
All three colors end up on all three levels and branching several times, or at least, mine did. I was close to the end once I figured out how to power the top and bottom center lens rooms without red bleeding into the blue lens room and blue bleeding into the red lens room.
Star room :
There are a couple of corners between two side walls and a bottom wall where you can scroll between the walls and see a big star very close to the corner transition to an equal-sized star in each of the other two walls.
"Big star" means the invisible source star must be close to the wall, since the closer an object is to a mirror (which is what the walls are), the bigger it will appear. Therefore, in the case of the "corner" stars, you know they must all be the same star.
Once you have these colored, you can look for "little" stars in one of the opposite faces near the equivalent opposite corner (little because they will be far away from the source star). Color these in on the other three sides.
Use this method to get the first 2 or 3 stars colored on each wall. Getting the last few should be easier after this.
Earth (clock) room:
I think the below should work:
Dark blue/yellow arrow wall: Blue points south, yellow west, oriented with green background square positioned northeast.
Dark blue/green arrow wall: Blue south, green north, with big green background rectangle positioned northwest.
Green/red arrow wall: Green north, red east, with big green background square positioned northeast.
Red/purple wall: Red east, purple south, with big green background square positioned southeast.
Light blue/yellow wall: Light blue north, yellow west, with green background rectacle positioned southeast
Light blue/purple wall: Light blue north, purple south, with big green background rectacle positioned east
Powering the complex:
All three colors end up on all three levels and branching several times, or at least, mine did. I was close to the end once I figured out how to power the top and bottom center lens rooms without red bleeding into the blue lens room and blue bleeding into the red lens room.
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