
Makibishi Comic


At 4:10 下午, Blogger Yu said...

1. Use drill until you get orb.
2. click thing on the ground in front of the robot then click the robot and get orb.
3. Give monkey bone then click him and click the first button by the orb.
4. Give wrench to space guy in the air and go right and click on satellite, go left and orb will fall.
5. Click rock head mouth the one the is by the aliens ship and get orb.
6. Keep clicking the rabbit.
7. Guy at pump connect the switch and keep clicking on him. Then guy will run over the alien and get the orb.
8. Click all 7 dots on stone.

At 4:11 下午, Blogger Yu said...

Click on it's head a few times it will stop then click on the man and he will try to fix it. Then Keep clicking on him.
when the ninjas are jumping out
the guy you want to find will hide behind the baby
when he shows up ,click him

At 4:12 下午, Blogger Yu said...


you need to click the three monkeys closest to the *enemies* so that they are fighting. Then you need to click the characters, as well as other monkeys. One of them, the one closest to the deer will say they need Mr Bull. Keep clicking and Mr Bull will appear. Then click more and they will say things like Mr Bull has gone wild or something. After that, another big monkey will appear and you do the same thing - keep clicking to read the conversations and you will know what to do after that.

At 4:12 下午, Blogger Yu said...

dummy dolls
1. From the guy afraid of ghosts.
2. From the room where you turn the lights on and click the buttons in sequence.
3. From the bathhouse place
4. From the place where you grow the tree.

At 6:30 下午, Anonymous 匿名 said...

The guy who created the game Shinnosuke Kumazawa is a genius! I loved playing this game



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