




At 3:10 下午, Blogger Yu said...

gate one:
1.click lights to light the room,move mouse upon the wall ,when mouse arrow changes to hand ,click several times to smash the wall
2.there's an eye beyond the broken wall,click to make it appear,click again,blood pour down
3.click the sign board for several time,found a plant on its left side,get it(now you need water)
4. open the little gate under sign,and click the bowl-->open the watersupply by clicking the box on the upper-left corner,
then click the thin pipe in the small door,water comes out,turn off it then
5click the bowl again,plant blinks->click sections with arrows to grow the plant-->pass

gate2:1.when open the magic book on the upper right corner,you find the spell list written in Chinese,then click the next page,words disapear, instead of some hint points,refers you how the game's going.
2.click the chair, a budda statue appears
3.get the lotus paint,hang it on the nail
4.click the ac line of the radio,then click the outlet besides the windows,click the radio ,start the music
5.find the incensory in the lower part of shelf,put it under the statue
7.click the matches,put it by the incense,dont move till the match disappear.
8.take the book in the middle part of shelf it shows the way to lotus
9.click the coins on the floor near incense(i forgot if it's necessery)then click the wall till the map finished,
10.finish the maze thing

At 3:11 下午, Blogger Yu said...

gate 3:
1.pick left eraser to erase the word on the board
2.pick up the table ,put it to the left
3.continuously click the other eraser till it falls down
4.click the space between two groups of books ,get the pc disk,put it into pc
5.to fix the broken wire,click the both end. it will fix by itself,then you can open the power supply
6.open pc power
7.let mouse travelling upon the books ,get 4 coordinates,and try to find the same coordinates on black board(move mouse on it,see what the pc screen shows),when you get entire bamboo picture,pull down the screen(514238),pass!

At 3:11 下午, Blogger Yu said...

Flip the handle next to the yellow box on the left
Click the candle
Click the paper & paste it on the wall below the window
Click the white box at the top right until the chord clicks into place
Open the left window & click the horizontal pipe
Click the yellow box
Click the cogs so that the big cog's '0' and the small cog's '5' meet up
Click the blue button on the paper (if it doesnt work make sure the window above is open)
Knock out the 4 glass panels on the right

At 3:15 下午, Blogger Yu said...

Gate 5
1.click the clock,when you get a "right"time,the clock light up for a while,collect all the right time
if no butterfly flies to the clock
repeat again
2.when u finish the clock puzzle,a butterfly flies to stay on the clock,click the pipe next to the clock till it falls,click both parts of the door to open it
3.you can use the flash light to see the number in the room,it might be the hint of hourglass puzzle later
4.pick up the piece of windows galss on right floor,put it onto the sofa,it becomes a semi-colored paint, and 5 hourglasses show up
5.click the hourglasses quickly(the 1st glass still has sand when u click the last one)tto" fill" the paint up,pass

At 3:18 下午, Blogger Yu said...


move you cursor to the window
notice your cursor arrow changes

it becomes a line(I) when you put it somewhere in the window

right click



click 第六門


click 書



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