
trg esc

好多secret place



At 8:39 下午, Blogger Yu said...

Take the pin from the white note.
You can use it to open the drawer under the letter E.
Click another time on the white note and you get a screwdriver.
In that very place clicking many times somewhere, there is a box…but you need a keyto open it.
In the right corner of the wall S there is a secret box. Use the screwdriver to open it, and collect a key card
Go in the other room.
Take the stick and the hook from the paper on the wall.
From the inventory choose the stick and add the hook.
Pull down the door that is on the ceiling of the S wall.
On the right side of the column there is a key maker…you need a code.
Open and close the drawer and a key will fall in the basket.
Use the key on the small box behind the white paper.
Collect the pliers.
Use the pliers on the screwdriver
In front of the wall N there is another secret box.
Open it and take also the orange panel.
Flip it and tale the metal piece.
Put it in the wires and take the cd.
Put the cd in the cd player and the writings on the wall will change.
Now you have a code in the orange panel and the writings on the wall.



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