
Locked Forever 4




At 5:36 下午, Blogger Yu said...

1. Move the bottom step and pick up the blue key.

2. Grab key #2 under mop

3. Take sword from box at far right.

4. Go right

5. Open box on wall with blue key. Take key #3

6. Open furnace. Open cardboard box and put papers in furnace

7. Take key #1 below papers

8. Move planks. Take coin

9. Go right

10. Move footstool until you see key #10

11. Take yellow spray can.

12. Use sword on chair and take key #9

13. Go right. Use coin in dryer. Take key #4

14. Use spray can in right mouse hole. Click mouse when it comes out and take key #5

15. Open door and enter.

16. Move box on left hand shelf. Take key #7

17. Click around in handle of chainsaw to get match.

18. Use chainsaw to cut all shelves on the back wall. Take key #8 on right side of fallen objects.

19. Go back to furnace. Use match on matchbox. Use lit match on furnace. Take key #6.

20. Go back to blue door. Click it and you’re done.



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