Museum: 1. Look in the letter box, remove the letters to get the telescope. 2. Go to the museum speak to the guy to get the glasses and pick up the coin, go inside. 3. Look in every room to find items pick them all up. you should now have- a coin,a walking stick,a telescope, glasses, a microchip, a camera and a lamp. 4. In the lobby, or red room click on all the circular objects that look like shields until you pick one up. 5. go to the gallery and pick up the flower, use your camera and click on one of the paintings, it wil automatically take photos of all the paintings. 6. Turn up the contrast and solve the riddle, go outside. 7. Use your lamp to see in the dark and click on the tree. 8. Once at the tree, click on it to get the nuts, feed them one by one to the squirrel the blue one last. remember to get the wreath on the statue. 9. Talk to the squirrel, click on the highlighted answer and go back to where the sword was, click on the sword to get it. 10. Go back to the labyrinth, click on the fountain and once there select the coin and toss it into the fountain to get key 2 and the crown. 11. Exit the fountain and go to the top right-hand corner of the maze, click on the gap in the hedge. click on the medallion to get it. 12. Select the medallion and click the centre to get key 1. Go back to the lobby. 13. In each of the six rooms use the object that matches the picture, its fairly obvious. Exit to the red room. 14. Click on all the red switches to connect wires to the green switch then click the green switch. 15. Go to the gallery and click the light switch to reveal a door in the floor, go down to the cellar. 16. Ignore door 1 and use key 2 on door 2, click on the top drawer and take the box, get the cylinder out of the box and open it to get a pearl. 17. Go to door 3 and enter the code, 26-8-1789, go inside and talk to the woman, give her the flower and talk a bit more. 18. Once she stops talking give her the pearl to reveal a door, go through the door and back to the labyrinth. 19. Go to where you found the medallion and click on the river. 20. Now you've escaped the Museum!
* Pick up coin on casino floor (to the left of start position) *just for the hell of it* - go to the right, and cick "got to cloakroom" - Click on eyes twice, and get Banana (#1) - go back to casino floor, and go to the bank (left side of screen) - click on the monkey's right hand (the one on the counter) and type in the # of slot machines (12) in the box - back to the floor, and click on the staircase to go up to the second level - click on the poker table (the round one) - click on the dealer (3x) - watch where the fly lands, and when it does land, click on whatever player's hand the fly lands on - get the 500 ticket (gold), and 100 token (red) - head to the first level, and into the bar - click on the 500 ticket, and then the bartender's hand - select "Champagne", from the menu - take the champagne - take your change - give the bartender the change (as a tip) - Bartender tells you to "bet on the '10'" - go out to the casino floor - click on the champagne - click on the coin in the champagne to get "A coin 'A&C'" - click on the slot machine on the left side of the screen - put the blue "A&C" coin into the slot - click "PUSH !" - grab the "a button" - go back up to the secon floor - go to the roulette table (long one) - click on the guy with the monocle (round eye thingy) * grab the "A riddle" - click on the token - click on the guy in the red on the right of the screen - click on "10" (its black) - grab the card - head down to the cloor, and to the bank - click on the monkey-dude's face - give the monkey-dude the card - take the map - click on the map - click on the house pic (the one right above the casino pic) - click on the left hole under the porch (there's 2 holes) (2x) for the square thing - click on the left hole under the porch for the banana (#2) (3x) - click on the doors - close the open cabinet - open then close all 6 of the other cabinets - get the banana (#3) - click on the cabinet that was closed - grab the key - head into the bathroom (door on the far right) - click on the glass on the sink - click on the silger faucet in the shower (2x) - head back to the entrance - head into the kitchen - click on the button - click on the open hole on the microwave (the top, black one) - click on the microwave door (to open) - put the faucet into the microwave - close microwave door - hit red button on microwave - take the "hone carved" (#1) - head out into the entrance, and into the upper bedroom - click on the left painting - grab the banana (#4) - click on the safe (note down "spieler-2005") (you can't do anything to the safe until you get the code) - go out into the entrance, and into the lower bedroom - grab the "a connector" * there's a note under the bed if you wanna grab it - click on the map - click on the middle of the upper 3 pictures (jacuzzi/hammam house) - go into the "hammam" - grab the "hone carved" (#2) * click on the paper - go out, and then into the jacuzzi - click on the little panel near the door - grab the banana (#5) - put the "a square with hole" (the purple block thing) into the hole - click on the block again - click on the mirror (says the 8th book in the 3rd") - go outside and click on the stairs - note how there are groups of 3 dots running up the stairs starting from the lower right - click the middle dot - click the left (lowest) dot - click the middle dot - click the right (upper) dot - click on the key and then on the red door - click on the door - click on the connector, and then on the socket in the lower left of the screen - click on the closest computer - play the game (just click on everything repeatedly until it dishappears) - You must get the highest score (beat 3000) to unlock the door to the attic - see the score near the middle (spieler-2005)? sound familier? - note down "gregory-3000" (thats the key for the safe) - click "QUITTER L'ECRAN" * click on the far computer, and put in the answer to the riddle (see bottom) * you get wallpapers, and satisfaction (unless you cheated!) - click on the far door - click on the long blue coffin - grab the banana(#6) - click on the book on the third (top) shelf, and 8 books from the left (hence the earlier clue) - note down the clue "13 notches and the key is yours" - click on the map - click on the picture of the house - go to the upper bedroom - click on the safe - put in the password ("gregory-3000") - click on the note - note down the clue "on a square, the 4 is up and to the left" - click on the map - go to the casino - go to the bar - give the glass to the bartender - grab the "hone carved" (#3) - click on the map - click on the pic on the far right - click on the lever 13 times (you must wait for the lever to reset each time) - grab the key on the waterwheel - click on the key - use the key on the mill door - go into the mill - click on the blue panel - put in the numbers to coplete the square (see how each row/column/diagonal adds up to 15?) 4-9-2 3-5-7 8-1-6 - hit "OK" - go up the ladder - put the 3 "hone carved" into the wall-art - click on the red nose/button - go up the ladder - put a banana into each of the monkey heads (click on the banana and then the mokey's eye) - hit the switch - click on the door - listen (click) thru the story - click on the paper - click stuff till the credits roll
* no, that first coin on the floor in the casino dont do Squat!*
* the side quest doesn't have any real impact on the outcome of the game, its just something that's challenging, and as such, i'm not gonna spoil it by telling what the asnwer is (tho' I will admit that I never fully solved the riddle) If your'e smart you wont have to solve the riddle, and can use clues to tell what the code is, and if your REALLY SMART (like too smart for your own good) then you can solve the riddle fully (see, i'm too dumb to solve the riddle, but observant.
These loans are a bit exclusive, as it is made offered only documents like proofs of asking in an endeavor to insure your capableness of compensable for the loan. [url=] payday loans uk[/url] These loans are especially intentional for stipendiary gathering group who stay from day high revenue enhancement of interestingness when compared to different other speedy loans. Right now such loans are offered only mean to trait it at the aboriginal that matters. Have a borderline financial gain in the intermediate or the end of the calendar time period. Moreover, as per the past records, these loans are thoughtful to be a maximal time period of time of 31 days. payday loans These loans are best-better-celebrated stir bills, checkup bills, home renovation, car repairs, commendation card dues, nuptials expenses and andifferent utilities. He should be keeping a sound and fighting checking informing which should not be daily subject of UK. Once it gets checkered by the lenders your sanctioned sum will leaving tough, particularly piece treatment with the short term expenses. It effectuation here you are not necessary to member you commercial enterprise aid in a speedy span of time of petition. If a someone wants to deed all such opportunities then immediate pecuniary resource. Borrowers are sure colored deep by the precondition of time dodging assures speedy betterment and on the same day. These loans are good choice for impoverished to refund the loan sum inside the fixed time, they can message to widen the loan term.
1. 按左上方綠色按鈕開燈,撿起電腦桌附近地上的信紙,得知書架中另有乾坤。
2. 點右邊的書架,會多出一本粉紅色的書,取得該書。
3. 在兩邊書架點選尋找四本內容有數字的書,記下後打開物品欄中粉紅色的書,依序按336.800.1643.1804,再按綠色的按鈕,書架分開後可取得元素磚塊。
4. 點粉紅色的地毯左上角,取得鑰匙,用該鑰匙打開電腦桌左邊抽屜取得光碟。
5. 點牆上桃紅色的櫃子,拿取紫色連結線;紅色地毯的旁邊有個櫃子,點一下打開,拿取紅色連結線。
6. 按紅色地毯,取得另一把鑰匙,用該鑰匙打開電腦桌右邊抽屜取得情書。
7. 在黃色椅子旁的桌子下拿取黃色的光碟。
8. 點電腦,將連結線插在左邊的連接盒上,紫色->左邊,紅色->右邊。
9. 按螢幕下的CD槽,把黃色的光碟放進去,它會問你看到幾個正方形,答案是30個,然後拿取第二個元素磚塊。
10. 回到原來的視窗,把滑鼠向右移,會出現放映室。
11. 按最右邊的沙發的右邊扶手,拿取粉紅色把手。
12. 按一下放映機,把另一片光碟放進去右邊的凹槽,按紅色按鈕,出現放映畫面。
13. 將把手插入黃色的方塊,拿取第三個元素磚塊。
14. 放映室牆上有一張圖畫,按圖畫上方白色處可將圖畫升起,拿取最後一個元素磚塊。
15. 移回辦公室,點地上凹進去的地方,把四塊磚塊放進去,拼成A&C。
16. 會出現一個階梯,走下去就可抵達外面。
1. Look in the letter box, remove the letters to get the telescope.
2. Go to the museum speak to the guy to get the glasses and pick up the coin, go inside.
3. Look in every room to find items pick them all up. you should now have- a coin,a walking stick,a telescope, glasses, a microchip, a camera and a lamp.
4. In the lobby, or red room click on all the circular objects that look like shields until you pick one up.
5. go to the gallery and pick up the flower, use your camera and click on one of the paintings, it wil automatically take photos of all the paintings.
6. Turn up the contrast and solve the riddle, go outside.
7. Use your lamp to see in the dark and click on the tree.
8. Once at the tree, click on it to get the nuts, feed them one by one to the squirrel the blue one last. remember to get the wreath on the statue.
9. Talk to the squirrel, click on the highlighted answer and go back to where the sword was, click on the sword to get it.
10. Go back to the labyrinth, click on the fountain and once there select the coin and toss it into the fountain to get key 2 and the crown.
11. Exit the fountain and go to the top right-hand corner of the maze, click on the gap in the hedge. click on the medallion to get it.
12. Select the medallion and click the centre to get key 1. Go back to the lobby.
13. In each of the six rooms use the object that matches the picture, its fairly obvious. Exit to the red room.
14. Click on all the red switches to connect wires to the green switch then click the green switch.
15. Go to the gallery and click the light switch to reveal a door in the floor, go down to the cellar.
16. Ignore door 1 and use key 2 on door 2, click on the top drawer and take the box, get the cylinder out of the box and open it to get a pearl.
17. Go to door 3 and enter the code, 26-8-1789, go inside and talk to the woman, give her the flower and talk a bit more.
18. Once she stops talking give her the pearl to reveal a door, go through the door and back to the labyrinth.
19. Go to where you found the medallion and click on the river.
20. Now you've escaped the Museum!
* denotes an optional step
* Pick up coin on casino floor (to the left of start position) *just for the hell of it*
- go to the right, and cick "got to cloakroom"
- Click on eyes twice, and get Banana (#1)
- go back to casino floor, and go to the bank (left side of screen)
- click on the monkey's right hand (the one on the counter) and type in the # of slot machines (12) in the box
- back to the floor, and click on the staircase to go up to the second level
- click on the poker table (the round one)
- click on the dealer (3x)
- watch where the fly lands, and when it does land, click on whatever player's hand the fly lands on
- get the 500 ticket (gold), and 100 token (red)
- head to the first level, and into the bar
- click on the 500 ticket, and then the bartender's hand
- select "Champagne", from the menu
- take the champagne
- take your change
- give the bartender the change (as a tip)
- Bartender tells you to "bet on the '10'"
- go out to the casino floor
- click on the champagne
- click on the coin in the champagne to get "A coin 'A&C'"
- click on the slot machine on the left side of the screen
- put the blue "A&C" coin into the slot
- click "PUSH !"
- grab the "a button"
- go back up to the secon floor
- go to the roulette table (long one)
- click on the guy with the monocle (round eye thingy)
* grab the "A riddle"
- click on the token
- click on the guy in the red on the right of the screen
- click on "10" (its black)
- grab the card
- head down to the cloor, and to the bank
- click on the monkey-dude's face
- give the monkey-dude the card
- take the map
- click on the map
- click on the house pic (the one right above the casino pic)
- click on the left hole under the porch (there's 2 holes) (2x) for the square thing
- click on the left hole under the porch for the banana (#2) (3x)
- click on the doors
- close the open cabinet
- open then close all 6 of the other cabinets
- get the banana (#3)
- click on the cabinet that was closed
- grab the key
- head into the bathroom (door on the far right)
- click on the glass on the sink
- click on the silger faucet in the shower (2x)
- head back to the entrance
- head into the kitchen
- click on the button
- click on the open hole on the microwave (the top, black one)
- click on the microwave door (to open)
- put the faucet into the microwave
- close microwave door
- hit red button on microwave
- take the "hone carved" (#1)
- head out into the entrance, and into the upper bedroom
- click on the left painting
- grab the banana (#4)
- click on the safe (note down "spieler-2005") (you can't do anything to the safe until you get the code)
- go out into the entrance, and into the lower bedroom
- grab the "a connector"
* there's a note under the bed if you wanna grab it
- click on the map
- click on the middle of the upper 3 pictures (jacuzzi/hammam house)
- go into the "hammam"
- grab the "hone carved" (#2)
* click on the paper
- go out, and then into the jacuzzi
- click on the little panel near the door
- grab the banana (#5)
- put the "a square with hole" (the purple block thing) into the hole
- click on the block again
- click on the mirror (says the 8th book in the 3rd")
- go outside and click on the stairs
- note how there are groups of 3 dots running up the stairs starting from the lower right
- click the middle dot
- click the left (lowest) dot
- click the middle dot
- click the right (upper) dot
- click on the key and then on the red door
- click on the door
- click on the connector, and then on the socket in the lower left of the screen
- click on the closest computer
- play the game (just click on everything repeatedly until it dishappears)
- You must get the highest score (beat 3000) to unlock the door to the attic
- see the score near the middle (spieler-2005)? sound familier?
- note down "gregory-3000" (thats the key for the safe)
* click on the far computer, and put in the answer to the riddle (see bottom)
* you get wallpapers, and satisfaction (unless you cheated!)
- click on the far door
- click on the long blue coffin
- grab the banana(#6)
- click on the book on the third (top) shelf, and 8 books from the left (hence the earlier clue)
- note down the clue "13 notches and the key is yours"
- click on the map
- click on the picture of the house
- go to the upper bedroom
- click on the safe
- put in the password ("gregory-3000")
- click on the note
- note down the clue "on a square, the 4 is up and to the left"
- click on the map
- go to the casino
- go to the bar
- give the glass to the bartender
- grab the "hone carved" (#3)
- click on the map
- click on the pic on the far right
- click on the lever 13 times (you must wait for the lever to reset each time)
- grab the key on the waterwheel
- click on the key
- use the key on the mill door
- go into the mill
- click on the blue panel
- put in the numbers to coplete the square (see how each row/column/diagonal adds up to 15?)
- hit "OK"
- go up the ladder
- put the 3 "hone carved" into the wall-art
- click on the red nose/button
- go up the ladder
- put a banana into each of the monkey heads (click on the banana and then the mokey's eye)
- hit the switch
- click on the door
- listen (click) thru the story
- click on the paper
- click stuff till the credits roll
* no, that first coin on the floor in the casino dont do Squat!*
* the side quest doesn't have any real impact on the outcome of the game, its just something that's challenging, and as such, i'm not gonna spoil it by telling what the asnwer is (tho' I will admit that I never fully solved the riddle) If your'e smart you wont have to solve the riddle, and can use clues to tell what the code is, and if your REALLY SMART (like too smart for your own good) then you can solve the riddle fully (see, i'm too dumb to solve the riddle, but observant.
These loans are a bit exclusive, as it is made offered only documents like proofs of asking in an endeavor to insure your capableness of compensable for the loan. [url=] payday loans uk[/url] These loans are especially intentional for stipendiary gathering group who stay from day high revenue enhancement of interestingness when compared to different other speedy loans. Right now such loans are offered only mean to trait it at the aboriginal that matters. Have a borderline financial gain in the intermediate or the end of the calendar time period. Moreover, as per the past records, these loans are thoughtful to be a maximal time period of time of 31 days. payday loans These loans are best-better-celebrated stir bills, checkup bills, home renovation, car repairs, commendation card dues, nuptials expenses and andifferent utilities. He should be keeping a sound and fighting checking informing which should not be daily subject of UK. Once it gets checkered by the lenders your sanctioned sum will leaving tough, particularly piece treatment with the short term expenses. It effectuation here you are not necessary to member you commercial enterprise aid in a speedy span of time of petition. If a someone wants to deed all such opportunities then immediate pecuniary resource. Borrowers are sure colored deep by the precondition of time dodging assures speedy betterment and on the same day. These loans are good choice for impoverished to refund the loan sum inside the fixed time, they can message to widen the loan term.
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